Does Your Hosting Company Give You Fanatical Support? Ours Does!!

HL News • March 18, 2014

A lot of companies say they have great tech support when they want you to host with them, but very few deliver on that promise. I know because we have tried a few of them since we set up shop in 2003. The experiences we have had run the gamut from servers being down on a Thursday and being told the sites will be back up after the server admin gets back in to work on Monday(!!), to not being “allowed” to talk to a “level 2 support person” because the “level 1 support person” does not have their contact information (and besides that, it is not in the script they get from management). No, I’m not going to name the companies that have given us poor to non existent support in the past. I’m just going to say that we are VERY happy with the current hosting company we use.

We started working with this company in October of 2008, and they have given us great tech support every time. We have called in the middle of the night, on weekends, even holidays. They have always been ready to help and have been very, very knowledgeable about a wide range of technical issues. With this company they don’t need Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 support, you know why? Because the support person that answers your call, that you chat with, or responds to your trouble ticket, KNOWS what they are doing. The company’s name is Rackspace. No, I didn’t get paid for this blog, our company just feels that strongly about them. So the next time you have trouble with the hosting of your website, call us and let us introduce you to Rackspace and get to know what FANATICAL support is all about!